Frequent Walker Coupons
Anyone. You do not need to be a member.
What is the cost?
Cost is $30 for a sheet of 10.
Where can I use them?
Coupons may be used only for the year-round and seasonal events sponsored by the Dairyland Walkers. The specific events are printed on the back of the coupon.
What can I use them for?
Coupons may be used only in lieu of the $4.00 fee for IVV credit.
How long do I have to use them?
Coupons are valid January 1 through December 31 of the year for which they were issued.
What about unused coupons?
Sorry! Unused coupons are not refundable and have no value.
Are coupons transferable?
Yes. Anyone may use the coupon.
Where can I purchase the coupons?
Coupons are available at all club meetings and special events or you may purchase them directly from Kristina Kenyon (608) 798-3006.